Communicate with your client online
Low price
Viber dispatch is much cheaper than SMS
Text + picture + link on site and even opportunity to comunicate with your clients
High speed of dispatch
Bandwidth is 5000 messages per second
A large percentage of the response for the dispatch
How to start viber dispatch

Viber dispatch structure

What will you get
- Official viber channel
- Advertising and transactional messages
- Text + picture + button
- 24\7 support
- Ability to communicate with your customers
Reports for each message:
- Sent
- Delivered
- Viber offline (send SMS?)
1. How to start working with you?
All dispatches are carried out through our web-cabinet. To get consultation, please, contact us calling +375 (29) 151-11-02 or write by any convenient way.
2. What determines the price of mailing?
Foremost, from the number of messages. The more messages, the lower price..
3. What is the length of the message?
In one message there can be up to 1000 characters, picture or picture + text.
4. How long does it take to create a channel?
The term of channel creation is up to 14 business days.
5. How can I be sure that you will not use my database for personal purposes?
6. If the message did not reach the client, my money will still be lost?
Of course not, payment is only charged for the delivered messages. Those if the client does not receive your message, then payment for it will not be charged off.
7. If the customer does not have Viber, can we send him SMS?
Yes, we can. There is such option.